intellectual propery forms


Mind Map on intellectual propery forms, created by Yessi Carabali on 03/10/2019.
Yessi Carabali
Mind Map by Yessi Carabali, updated more than 1 year ago
Yessi Carabali
Created by Yessi Carabali over 4 years ago

Resource summary

intellectual propery forms
  1. Intellectual property (IP) is related to the creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, as well as symbols, names and images identified in commerce.
    1. Types of intellectual property
      1. Copyright
        1. is a form of ip desigend to protect the rights of a creator of literary and artistic
          1. garating of copyrigth
            1. international protection
              1. the wipo copyrigth treaty
            2. copyrigth does not require any formal application or registration form protection of creative work
              1. owership of copyright
            3. Patents
              1. a patent is a legal title granted to an applicant for protection of an invertion
                1. it is registerable form of ip
                  1. requerimients for a patents
                    1. it must involve an inventive step
                      1. the invention must be novel
                        1. it must be capable of industrial aplication
                2. industrial designs
                3. Software
                  1. Computer programs are intangible assets that require legal protection, as in the case of literary, artistic or scientific works
                4. trade marks
                  1. regsitration trade marks
                    1. must not be capable of deception or confusion with marks already applied for or registred

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