SAB4#76 Quality vs Grade


HF 411-412
Mind Map by anesio.benna, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anesio.benna about 9 years ago

Resource summary

SAB4#76 Quality vs Grade
  1. Requirements
    1. Quality = Product conformance to requirements
      1. QUALITY means that something dos what you NEEDED IT to do
        1. Low-quality always is a problem
          1. Low-grade ISN'T always a problem
        2. GRADE describes how much people VALUE IT
          1. Higher-grade IS NOT the same higher-quality
            1. Sophistication = GRADE
            2. Higher-grade stuff typically costs more, but just because you pay more for something doesn't mean it does what you need it to do
              1. A lobster is higher-grade than a salad and a salad is higher-grade than a hot dog. However, a hot dog can be higher-quality for a customer who wants (or needs) eat this kind of food
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