“Events throughout History challenge the existence of a special covenant for the Jewish people.”


Mind Map by harrl024, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by harrl024 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

“Events throughout History challenge the existence of a special covenant for the Jewish people.”
  1. My initial idea is that I agree with this statement as today we have reform Jews who do not follow all the rules of the covenant because they do not agree with it anymore
    1. 1 event that would have caused the attitude towards the covenant for Jews would be the holocaust. This would of affected the Jews views on the covenant to believe that even after following all these rules and obeying everything that God has told them they still end up in a horrible situation that they are unable to get out of
    2. An opposing view may be that events through time have caused the Jews to be stronger and gain more faith in the covenant and that they should follow it even more religiously to help them not get into these situations
      1. for example, Jews that survived the concentration camps would be even more orthodox as a way of thanking God for keeping them alive.
        1. some Jews would have seen there life being saved as a great gift, so they would have followed every rule to the letter and done more, as a way of forgiveness for not following the covenant while they were in the concentration camps
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