The Global Warming:


Paula María Garzón
Mind Map by Paula María Garzón, updated more than 1 year ago
Paula María Garzón
Created by Paula María Garzón almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

The Global Warming:
  1. Consequences
    1. Warmer temperatures.
      1. More intense storms.
        1. Disease spread.
          1. Stronger heat waves.
            1. Melting of glaciers.
              1. Most dangerous hurricanes.
                1. Ecosystem change.
                  1. Disappearance of animal species.
                    1. Rising sea levels.
                    2. Causes
                      1. Increase in greenhouse gases.
                        1. Burning of fossil fuels.
                          1. Deforestation of jungles and forests.
                            1. Excessive use of fertilizers.
                              1. High production of waste.
                              2. Global warming is the long-term increase in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system.
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