support and movement


revision for summer exams 15
Mind Map by penguin15, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by penguin15 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

support and movement
  1. support in plants
    1. palm trees
      1. fewer leaves= less surface area and resistance to wind
        1. flexible trunks= bend with wind to cope with force
        2. cells
          1. gained water=TURGID
            1. lost water=FLACCID
          2. the skeleton
            1. bones
              1. support=hold us up
                1. movement=attached to muscles
                  1. protection of internal organs
                    1. protection of blood cells by the bone marrow
                      1. calcium phosphate= hard brittle outer layer for support
                        1. collagen=flexible and bendy for strength
                        2. joints
                          1. hinge joint
                            1. ball and socket joint
                              1. saddle joint
                            2. swimming
                              1. fish movement
                                1. rocking/pitching= up and down
                                  1. rolling= swaying
                                    1. yawing= side to side
                                    2. fish fins
                                      1. pectoral and pelvic fins= prevent rock
                                        1. dorsal, anal and adipose fins= prevent roll
                                          1. caudal fin= prevents yaw
                                          2. fish muscles
                                            1. muscles spring back moving the caudal fin side to side, driving the fish forward
                                              1. the right side has to contract to bend the fish to the right
                                            2. speed
                                              1. relationship between length, stride and speed
                                                1. length and speed= longer legs, faster speed
                                                  1. length, stride and speed= taller- bigger stride- faster speed
                                                  2. cheetah
                                                    1. oversized lungs= store more oxygen
                                                      1. oversized heart= pumps more blood faster
                                                        1. big stride length= less tiring- don't need as much power of energy to get to places
                                                          1. light body mass=doesn't have to support much weight
                                                            1. streamline body shape= prevents friction
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