RS revision/ not finished


hey, look at this mind map and find all the information you want on religious studies. if there is spelling mistakes, sorry. : P
Mind Map by sophiaheath2209, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophiaheath2209 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

RS revision/ not finished
  1. the big bang, what scientists believe
    1. scientists have evidence that the big bang was created million years ago. The big bang happened as the universe became extremely hot, so it exploded. It then cooled down.
      1. what is the universe?
        1. the universe is everything you can touch, it includes living things.
    2. how the world was created
      1. Christian beliefs about how the world was created
        1. Christians believe that god made the world in 7 days, but on the 7th day he rested.
          1. 1st day: light and dark
            1. 2nd day: sky and the sea
              1. 3rd day: earth, sea and plants.
              2. 4th day: the sun, stars and also day and night.
                1. 5th day; all animals
                  1. 6th day: humans
                2. christians believed god had created humans because humans are more important than animals. Also this means that human beings can then worship god and only human beings need gods creation.
              3. the bible
                1. Bible: little books
                  1. old testament: before jesus and its manly for jews because they don't follow the new testament
                    1. new testament: before Jesus. the new testament has 27 different books. manly about life and teachings.
                      1. psalms: hymn
                        1. 10 commandments: are 10 rules god chose about how to be respectful in life.
                          1. gospels; the 4 first books of the new testament: Matthew, mark, Luke and john.
                            1. Parables: a story with a meaning
                              1. the parts of the bible are the old and new testament. the old testament contains 39 books, which manly contain: creation of the universe and the prophets. the new testament consists of 27 books, mainly Matthew mark Luke and john.
                                1. the Christians use the bible as a guide for their lives, for private worship and for public worship e.g. in church.
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