Material & Cultural Deprivation


Mind Map on Material & Cultural Deprivation, created by ericb96 on 30/10/2013.
Mind Map by ericb96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ericb96 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Material & Cultural Deprivation
  1. Cultural
    1. Keddie ('73)
      1. Cultural deprivation is a 'myth'.
        1. Blames the victim - Culturally different, not deprived - The school system fails in recognising & nurturing W/C values
      2. Troyna & Williams ('86)
        1. Teachers have a 'speech hierarchy'
              1. BLACK SPEECH
            2. W/C parents fail to socialise their children to an adequate standard and that makes them 'culturally deprived'.
              1. Bereiter & Englemann ('66): W/C use gestures, single word answers & disjointed phrases in speech - underdeveloped skills
                1. THE RESTRICTED CODE
                  1. W/C people with limited vocabulary. Grammatically simple. Descriptive not analytic. Context bound.
                    1. W/C feel excluded from a young age because they might speak differently - accents e.g. Posh London, common Essex.
                    2. THE ELABORATED CODE
                      1. M/C people with a wider vocabulary. Grammatically more complex. Analytic descriptions. Not context bound.
                        1. Used by teachers/exams/books
                  2. Statistical correlation: is cannot prove that deprivation is THE cause for underachievement. Other factors such as lifestyle must be considered.
                    1. 87% of children who do not recieve FSM are all lumped together, even though they range from super-rich to people just above the poverty line
                    2. Material
                      1. Poverty & lack of material necessities is a better explanation of why lower social classes underachieve and not values, attitudes and culture.
                        1. In 2006 33% of children recieving FSM gained 5 or more A*-C grades. 61% of non-FSM pupils achieved the same.
                          1. OVERCROWDING
                            1. TEMPORARY ACCOMODATION
                              1. HEALTH
                                1. Emotional & behavioural problems occur more in materially deprived students
                                  1. ADHD Levels are higher in lower classes
                                    1. Howard ('01): Poor food & lack of vitamins = Poor immune system
                                      1. Enter text here
                                    2. SAFE AREAS TO PLAY
                                      1. THESE ALL AFFECT EDUCATION
                                    3. WORKING CLASS
                                      1. FATALISM:everything happens for a reason.
                                        1. IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION: being rewarded immediately, not thinking of the long term outcome.
                                          1. COLLECTIVISM: giving appreciation to a group not just an indiividual
                                          2. 20% of those eligible for FSM don't use their entitlement because they feel they'll get bullied or be forced into certain social groups
                                          3. OPERATION HEAD START 1960's
                                            1. US Citizens could get: Parenting Classes, Nursery Classes, entitlement to Health Visitors and the role out of Sesame Street
                                              1. UK ROLES OUT SURE START IN 2000
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