Magazine Photography Ideas


Mind Map on Magazine Photography Ideas, created by liamqe on 04/11/2013.
Mind Map by liamqe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by liamqe over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Magazine Photography Ideas
  1. Setting
    1. I will use mainly a plain whiter background in a studio environment but i could use urban backings too. I need to make sure that my models are the main forus of the image however.
    2. Body Language
      1. My modles need to have a confident body language. They need to look asthough they are not even posing. I will used natural poses like leaning against a wall to reflect a chilled back attitude.
      2. Props and Costume
        1. Overall for my props and costume I need to reflect a more mainstream fashion and use darker clothes. I need to make sure that all my models are covered and not being too revealing with what they wear. I need to use trench coats and leather coats to conform to the conventions of an Indie Rock trend. I could used extra items of clothing like bowler hats and sun glasses.
        2. Image placement
          1. I need to make sure that all my models are appropriately placed. For the cover i need to make sure my model(s) are looking at the camera for good eye contact with the audience. When using more then one model I need to have one lead model that is the focus of the image.
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