Radical Flowchart


Mind Map on Radical Flowchart, created by Amirah Omar on 27/09/2021.
Amirah Omar
Mind Map by Amirah Omar, updated more than 1 year ago
Amirah Omar
Created by Amirah Omar over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Radical Flowchart
  1. Extreme Left
    1. Current system is broken and cannot be simply improved or repaired.
      1. Must be scrapped in favor of a new order
        1. Politics Improved: Structure transformed, remaking political institutions of government, regime, and state
      2. Def: Dramatic, revolutionary change of the existing political, social, or economic order.
        1. Favor violence as necessary or unavoidable
          1. No slow, evolutionary change
            1. old order won't be change willingly; must be destroyed
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