Rebecca Nurse


Mind Map by ndane, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ndane over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Rebecca Nurse
  1. Abigail Williams
    1. Accused Rebecca Nurse of witchcraft in court. Abigail likes the sense of power she has over the fate of others - knew of the conflict between Rebecca nurse and Goody Putnam and used this to have someone on her side
    2. Thomas Putnam
      1. John Proctor
        1. Putnam claims Proctor's land as his own and accuses Proctor of stealing his lumber.
        2. Giles Corey
          1. Accuses Thomas Putnam of being an opportunist, attempting to benefit from the witch- trials by putting himself in a position to purchase land of individuals condemned to hang.
          2. Francis Nurse
            1. Putnam was trying to get his brother in law to be minister so that Putnam would have more power. The Nurses saw right through this and worked to ensure that a man put into a ministry position would have no certain allegiance to any person, but to God.
            2. Putnam wants Rebecca's Nurse land and blames her for the death of his babies
            3. Reverend Hale
              1. Hale sees Rebecca Nurse as a paragon of virtue and care. When she is accused, it is one of the first times that Hale begins to question what is happening in Salem and that there is something wrong with the accusations and the people making them if Rebecca Nurse can be found guilty.
              2. Goody Putnam
                1. Jealousy of Rebecca Nurse children and accuses her of witchcraft as she was the midwife for the Putnam's and all their children died from birth except one.
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