Jungle Book


English 3070 Mind Map on Jungle Book, created by michellemjredman on 02/12/2013.
Mind Map by michellemjredman, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by michellemjredman over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Jungle Book
  1. historical context
    1. the jewel in the crown
      1. the east india company
        1. doctrine of lapse
          1. the enfeild rifle
          2. key themes
            1. beloning/rejection
              1. government and leadership
                1. duty, loyalty and betrayal
                  1. identity
                    1. nature vs. nuture
                      1. difference
                      2. "mowgli's brothers"
                        1. outlines his intro to the jungle and also his first return to man
                          1. belonging, rejection and identity
                            1. @ the end of the story mowgli's brothers turn against him and only see there differences
                              1. Akela's words
                                1. betrayal seen as cowradly and shameful
                                  1. importance of honor and leadership
                                    1. not just about getting people to follow you its about being a good leader
                                2. madness
                                  1. fear of disorder
                                    1. one can affect them all
                                      1. need for organization, law of the jungle
                                      2. EGO
                                        1. do not create and ego in children. it will make them think that they don't have to work/ are better then others
                                        2. weak traits = weak morals
                                          1. muscular chirstanity
                                        3. "The night song in the jungle"
                                          1. repersentation of the jungle
                                            1. powerful
                                              1. supernatural
                                                1. violent
                                                  1. not peafule
                                                  2. bloody world, but with a code
                                                  3. whitemans burdan
                                                    1. the cost of being the leader of the empier
                                                      1. thank less job
                                                      2. mowgli is full of rage and sorrow when he finds out that they hate him; kept this hate silent; those you thought were brothers go againstyou
                                                        1. mowgli's power
                                                          1. next leader
                                                            1. power because he is man
                                                              1. fire "red flower"
                                                                1. power of the wolfs and his fellow brothers
                                                                  1. ties to the feeling pf superrority
                                                                2. "kaa's hunting"
                                                                  1. Akela's words about leadership are relavent to this story
                                                                    1. Enter text here
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