AC Theory


Mind Map on AC Theory, created by alexlmharper1996 on 06/12/2013.
Mind Map by alexlmharper1996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alexlmharper1996 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

AC Theory
  1. electro-magnatism
    1. lines of flux
      1. lines of flux do not cross
        1. lines of flux flow from north to south
          1. flux can be the same but with different density
        2. EMF
          1. magnetic flux density = tesla(Wb/m(square))
            1. magnetic flux= phi= (Wb)
            2. AC sin wave
              1. Frequency= f = Hz
                1. Frequency= 1/time period
                2. V avg=0.636*V peak
                  1. I avg= 0.636*V peak
                    1. V rms= 0.707*V peak
                      1. I rms= 0.707*V peak
                        1. V peak= 1.414* V peak
                          1. I peak= 1.414* I peak
                          2. Transformers
                            1. step up transformer
                              1. step down transformer
                                1. Delta/star
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