What Effects Population


The reasons Population goes up or down
Kya E. Eckert
Mind Map by Kya E. Eckert, updated more than 1 year ago
Kya E. Eckert
Created by Kya E. Eckert over 10 years ago

Resource summary

What Effects Population
  1. Babies
    1. More are born in rural areas
      1. die at a young age - lack of hygiene
      2. Deaths
        1. Life expectancy
          1. disease
            1. plague
            2. Medicine
              1. Heath care
                1. Advanced medical tech in the US
                2. Migration
                  1. people move away from a country
                    1. Because of Wars
                      1. Bad government
                        1. or other dangers
                        2. Imigration
                          1. People move to a country
                          2. Emigration
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