Did you enjoy watching your favorite movie over break?


Mind Map on Did you enjoy watching your favorite movie over break?, created by ashleyaedwards on 27/12/2013.
Mind Map by ashleyaedwards, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ashleyaedwards over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Did you enjoy watching your favorite movie over break?
  1. Devin
    1. "Get Smart"
    2. Melissa
      1. "Titanic"
      2. Jermaine
        1. "Bad Grandpa"
        2. Giselle
          1. "The Breakfast Club"
          2. Hannah
            1. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2"
            2. Dijonah
              1. "Step Up Revolution"
              2. Jayla
                1. "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2"
                2. Evelyn
                  1. "Snitch"
                  2. Richie
                    1. "Gremlins"
                    2. Blake
                      1. Hancock
                      2. Ben
                        1. "Looper"
                        2. Alyssa
                          1. "Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters"
                          2. Dijonah
                            1. "Underworld"
                            2. Sherlyn
                              1. "The Notebook"
                              2. Karen
                                1. "Lilo and Stitch"
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