Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


Mind Map on Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?, created by elliewilliams245 on 30/01/2014.
Mind Map by elliewilliams245, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elliewilliams245 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  1. My film opening has a target audience of female and males, between the ages of around 15 - 25. This is a very mainstream audience which would probably be capture best through a large mainstream distribution company. However due to my budget, editing software and low budget location my film is more of an independent film. This means that independent distributors are more likely to be interested in my film.
    1. Despite my film not having mainstream qualities, such as high budget set, editing and main stream actor, the themes and ideas of my film are mainstream.
      1. However my target audience are not a niche audience and will easily be reached through social media and printed media such as poster. Therefore my film would not necessarily need a mainstream distributor despite its mainstream themes and target audience.
      1. Other films within the horror genre that paramount have distributed are:
        1. Paranormal activity 5
          1. Shutter Island
            1. Lost tales from camp blood
              1. The ruins
                1. Disturbia
              2. TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX
                1. Devil's Due
                  1. Black Swan
                    1. 28 days later
                      1. Thr3e
                        1. The Horror
                        2. The benefits of a large mainstream company distributing my film would be:
                          1. They would have a larger budget to work with to be able to advertise my film. The marketing campaign would be larger, more impressive and possibly more accessible. For example larger companies could afford to have trailers placed in the advert break of a well watched show or in a well-known magazine.
                            1. A higher budget and larger advertisement would increase exposer and subsequently increase profits.
                            2. People are more likely to watch my low budget film if a mainstream/ well-known company such as Warner brothers is linked to it.
                              1. Similarly, they are more likely to be interested in my film if other successful films such as '28 days later' have been distributed by the same company.
                              2. Large, mainstream companies are more likely to take risks than independent companies, as they have other blockbuster films that can cover the costs of a less successful film. Independent companies, however, may not been as keen to take such a risk.
                              3. My film may be taken on by an independent film company because it is similar to many mainstream horror films which will attract a large audience. However it is different due to its original story line and low budget, simple but effective locations, editing and sound.
                                1. The benefits of an independent distributor would be:
                                  1. They are more likely to distribute my film than a main stream company.
                                    1. They would be able to reach my target audience cheaply, quickly and effectivley through social media/
                                      1. My film would not be in competition with more advance mainstream films fro viewing times in the larger multiplex cinemas.
                                    2. My film would be best advertised through:
                                      1. Social media
                                        1. Facebook page
                                          1. Twitter page
                                            1. YouTube channel
                                              1. Exclusive footage
                                                1. Interviews
                                                  1. Spoilers
                                                  2. Tumblr page
                                                  3. Posters
                                                    1. Bus stops
                                                      1. lamp posts
                                                        1. Flyers
                                                          1. Student area
                                                        2. How my film will be distributed.
                                                          1. The easiest way my film could be distributed is through the use of the internet as a means of free advertisement and through film festivals. Independant films are more likely to gain funding and distribution the more exposure they have.
                                                            1. The internet is an easy way to gain a large amount of free exposure.
                                                            2. My film is also more likely to be distributed and shown in small independent cinemas rather than huge multi -plex screens. This has its advantages as my film would not have to compete with large hollywood movies for screen time and audiences.
                                                              1. Raindance film festival
                                                                1. British independent film festival
                                                                  1. Film festivals can lead to larger more mainstream companies discovering small budget independent films which can lead to the film gaining larger higher budget distribution. E.g. Attack of the block.
                                                                  2. London Independent film festival
                                                                  3. An independent distributor - FILM4
                                                                    1. The fighter
                                                                      1. Chalet Girl
                                                                        1. Step Up
                                                                          1. Marmaduke
                                                                            1. Percy Jackson & the lighting thief
                                                                              1. Bride Wars
                                                                                1. Star Trek
                                                                                  1. The inbetweeners movie

                                                                                  Media attachments

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