Weimar Constitution


Mind Map on Weimar Constitution, created by niall alexander on 13/09/2016.
niall  alexander
Mind Map by niall alexander, updated more than 1 year ago
niall  alexander
Created by niall alexander over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Weimar Constitution
  1. Main features
    1. The President was elected every seven years and was incharge of the arm forces
      1. Bill of Rights meant that everyone had:
        1. Freedom of speech
          1. Freedom of press
            1. Freedom to meet
              1. Freedom from arrest without a good excuse
              2. The Reichstag elected every 4 years. Each party got 1 seat for every 60,000 votes
              3. Strengths of the constitution
                1. All Germans had an equal vote including rights
                  1. Proportional representation made sure parties had the same number of seat as 60,000 votes.
                    1. Provides a strong leader.
                      1. Each state had its own elected assembly represent local interest
                      2. Weakness of the constitution
                        1. The President was in control of the arm forces so he could take of the country
                          1. The president could ignore the Reichstag and the Chancellor if they couldn't agree using Article 48 which meant in a case of emergency he could make new laws
                            1. The president could dismiss the chancellor if they didn't agree
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