Manhunt - Simon Armitage - MindMap


Mind Map on Manhunt - Simon Armitage - MindMap, created by English GCSE on 24/03/2014.
English GCSE
Mind Map by English GCSE, updated more than 1 year ago
English GCSE
Created by English GCSE about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Manhunt - Simon Armitage - MindMap
  1. unrhyming couplets
    1. Fragmentation - she's trying to piece back together her husband
    2. Puns
      1. Manhunt - searching for her husband
      2. Verbs
        1. "Mind and attend" - gentle and carfull - loving
        2. Gentle words
          1. "Damaged porcelin" - he's fragile and breakable
          2. Devotion to heal her husband
            1. "Climb the rungs of his broken lungs" - gradual and slow - experiencing her husbands altered body
            2. war affects people
              1. "Grazed heart" - physical and emotional pain
              2. injury
                1. "feotus of metal beneth his chest" - fetous suggests something lifechanging for the couple
                2. "sweating unexploded mine... in his mind"
                  1. could exlpod at anytiem - mental issue
                  2. Hasn't found her husband
                    1. "then and only then did I come close" - long sentance - feel what she feels - close, hasn't reached it
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