The Nervous System


Biology (Nervous System) Mind Map on The Nervous System, created by bishop.stinky on 02/05/2013.
Mind Map by bishop.stinky, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bishop.stinky about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Nervous System
  1. You have five sense organs.
    1. They all contain different RECEPTORS-groups of cells which are sensitive to specific stimuli.
      1. A STIMULUS can be anything from
        1. Light
          1. Sound
            1. Pressure
              1. Chemical
                1. Change in position or temperature.
                2. RECEPTORS work by changing stimulus energy to electric impulses.
              2. The five sense organs and the receptors they contain.
                1. Eyes-Light receptors
                  1. Ears-Sound and Balance receptors.
                    1. Nose-Smell receptors-sensitive to chemical stimuli.
                      1. Tongue-taste receptors for bitter, salt, sweet, sour plus savoury eg Monosodium Glutamate.
                        1. Skin-sensitive to touch, pressure and temperature change.
                        2. The Central Nervous system
                          1. Consists of Brain and spinal cord ONLY.
                            1. Where all information from organs is sent & where reflexes and actions are co-ordinated.
                              1. Neurones (nerve cells)
                                1. Transmit the information (as electric impulses) very quickly to and from the CNS.
                                  1. Sensory Neurones-The nerve cells that carry signals as electrical impulses from the receptors in sense organs to CNS
                                    1. Motor Neurones: Nerve cells that carry signals to the effector muscles or glands.
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