
THINK AGAIN IV Mind Map on FALLACIES OF UNCLARITY, created by cristian velez on 31/03/2014.
cristian velez
Mind Map by cristian velez, updated more than 1 year ago
cristian velez
Created by cristian velez about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. its premises, whether they are true or false, don't support its conclusion.
    1. SLIPPERY SLOPES: depend on small changes
    2. ARGUMENT FROM THE HEAP, Sorites arg--> one penny, two pennies, etc.: all poor
      1. comes from Principle of Math Induction
        1. IS A PARADOX: an apparently valid argument from apparently true premises to an apparently FALSE conclusion
          1. HAS VAGUENESS: there's no precise boundary between the cases to which that expression correctly applies and the cases to which it does not correctly apply.
            1. poor, bald, tall, accomplished, famous
            2. ARG.FROM HEAP: all are poor; CONC. SLIP SLOP: no diff between rich-poor.
            3. CONCEPTUAL SLIPPERY SLOPE FALLACY :vagueness - there's no significant difference between things that belong to that category and things that don't belong to that category --> "there's no significant difference between poor and being rich".
              1. REMEMBER: a group can be powerful even if the individuals are not
                1. puede ser si-no o cuantitativo
                2. FAIRNESS SLIP.SLOPE: unfair fallacy --> fail a test with 2,99
                  1. People ask: where do you draw the line?
                3. CAUSAL SLIP. SLOPE: domino argument or parade of horrors
                  1. AMBIGUITY: more than one acceptable interpretation (homonimos, sentences)
                    1. SEMANTIC AMBIGUITY: homonyms
                      1. SYNTACTIC AMBIGUITY: sentences
                        1. FALLACY OF EQUIVOCATION: applying ambiguity (man is the only rational animal - and women?)
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