Primary Sector in South Africa


ESO 3A 29
Mind Map by ESO 3A 29, updated more than 1 year ago
ESO 3A 29
Created by ESO 3A 29 over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Primary Sector in South Africa
  1. Forestry
    1. The forest sector employs around 165 900 workers.
      1. And is one of the most important productions of South Africa
    2. Agriculture
      1. Agriculture in South Africa has changed radically in recent years.
        1. But farming has been deregulated since the 80s
          1. Things cultivated:
            1. grapes, sugar, apples, pears and quinces.
          2. Livestock Farming
            1. African Farmers’ Association of South Africa (AFASA)
              1. South Africa’s land surface (69%) is suitable for grazing, and livestock farming
                1. Largest agricultural sector in the country.
                2. Fishing
                  1. Deep sea fishing
                    1. Deep sea charters are available from ports along the coastline
                    2. Fresh Water Fishing
                      1. Freshwater fishing in South Africa is very diverse.
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