Context- The Sign of Four


Mind Map on Context, created by Ellie Muir on 21/06/2017.
Ellie Muir
Mind Map by Ellie Muir, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellie Muir
Created by Ellie Muir almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Context- The Sign of Four
  1. Victorian Attitudes towards drugs
    1. Class A (cocaine etc.) Drugs were sold in drugs stores
      1. Many writers at the time used drugs to trigger their creativity
        1. British Empire and Imperialism
          1. Trading
            1. Indian Rebellion
            2. Science vs. Religion
              1. Forensic science became popular and looked highly upon
                1. Charles Darwin published his theories of revolution this was seen as an attack on religion
                2. Classes and Wealth
                  1. Higher classes saw the lower classes as dirty and a waste of space
                    1. Racism in this time was prominent
                    2. Jack the Ripper
                      1. An unidentified murderer
                        1. Has killed five or six women and has never been caught
                        2. The Police
                          1. They weren't seen to be very reliable
                          2. Victorian Fear
                            1. Murders
                            2. Women
                              1. They needed to be protected by a man because they are fragile
                                1. They should be doing house jobs and cooking for the man of the house
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