Hydrological cycle and Drainage Basin System - created from Mind Map


Note on Hydrological cycle and Drainage Basin System - created from Mind Map, created by hanifah.S on 29/10/2013.
Note by hanifah.S, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by hanifah.S over 10 years ago
Copied to Note by hanifah.S over 10 years ago

Resource summary

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The drainage basin hydrological system is a summary of a single river basins characteristics: INPUTS- Precipitation, solar energy for evaporation. OUTPUTS- Evaporation, run-off.

WHAT IS A SYSTEM? A system is an orderly process which remains constant and includes: stores, flows and processes.Systems can be categorized as either open, closed or isolated. E.G. Hydrological system is closed, while the drainage basin system is open. TRANSFERS/FLOWS SPEED OF FLOWS HORiZONTAL FLOWS STORES VERTICAL FLOWS - Natural flows due to gravity. It is only when impeded (stopped), that horizontal flow will take place. INFILTRATION CAPACITY RATE- max. rate which water passes through soil (mm/hr). PERCOLATION- water movement slows as it reaches more compact underlying rock/soil layers. SURFACE RUN-OFF/OVERLAND FLOW: fastest flow. THROUGH-FLOW- lateral movement of water through upper soil layers. GROUNDWATER FLOW/BASE FLOW- slow lateral movement of water from underlying bedrock/ soil layers beneath the water table. FIELD CAPACITY- The level to which soil moisture stores can fill up before it is drained, due to gravity (how much water the soil can hold before saturation.

Hydrological cycle and Drainage Basin System

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