Rand Corporation. Four views on how retributive terrorists use violence to achieve goals


Quiz on Rand Corporation. Four views on how retributive terrorists use violence to achieve goals, created by lamajspam on 05/05/2014.
Quiz by lamajspam, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lamajspam about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Coercion hypothesis
  • Pain, casualties are caused to frighten governments into bending to the terrorist's will. eg US withdrawing from Middle East
  • Damaging an economy to weaken its country's ability to intervene in international affairs.
  • To recruit potential members into joining their movement through the attention violent attacks generate.
  • Violent acts pursue their own, often local, goals. In turn receiving support from other terrorist organisations.

Question 2

Damage Hypothesis
  • Pain, casualties are caused to frighten governments into bending to the terrorist's will. eg US withdrawing from Middle East
  • Damaging an economy to weaken its country's ability to intervene in international affairs.
  • To recruit potential members into joining their movement through the attention violent attacks generate.
  • Violent acts pursue their own, often local, goals. In turn receiving support from other terrorist organisations.

Question 3

Rally hypothesis
  • Pain, casualties are caused to frighten governments into bending to the terrorist's will. eg US withdrawing from Middle East
  • Damaging an economy to weaken its country's ability to intervene in international affairs.
  • To recruit potential members into joining their movement through the attention violent attacks generate.
  • Violent acts pursue their own, often local, goals. In turn receiving support from other terrorist organisations.

Question 4

Franchise hypothesis
  • Pain, casualties are caused to frighten governments into bending to the terrorist's will. eg US withdrawing from Middle East
  • Damaging an economy to weaken its country's ability to intervene in international affairs.
  • To recruit potential members into joining their movement through the attention violent attacks generate.
  • Violent acts pursue their own, often local, goals. In turn receiving support from other terrorist organisations.
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