5. People Imagine Objects Tilted and at a Slight Angle


Slide Set on 5. People Imagine Objects Tilted and at a Slight Angle, created by Antionette Bright on 20/01/2020.
Antionette Bright
Slide Set by Antionette Bright, updated more than 1 year ago
Antionette Bright
Created by Antionette Bright over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Draw a Coffee Cup.

Slide 2

    Our Imagination is in the Same Perspective
    Caption: : Your drawing might look a little like this.
    The canonical perspective is an angle slightly above the object, offset a little to the right or left. This perspective makes it a lot easier for people to recognize an object. As designers, we can make things easier on our end users by displaying objects in the canonical perspective.
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