bio mini test 9/16/15


Fichas sobre bio mini test 9/16/15, creado por eleni.eftychiou el 16/09/2015.
Fichas por eleni.eftychiou, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por eleni.eftychiou hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
what is biology? the study of life
cells ➝ _______ ➝ _______ ➝ _______ ➝ organism tissues, organs, organ systems!
what are the 7 characteristics of life? organization, response to stimuli, homeostasis, metabolism, growth and development, reproduction, and change through time.
what is a stimulus? something that evokes a reaction in an organ or tissue. can be internal/external, and physical/chemical
what is homeostasis? the maintenance of a stable level of internal conditions example: sweating to cool down
what do all living things use to power their life processes? energy!!!
what's metabolism? the chemical processes that occur within a living organism to maintain life.
what the heck are growth and development?? cells enlarge and divide. the organism becomes a mature adult. (remember: cell specialization)
DNA? genes? DNA contains all the information to make an organism. genes carry only one trait.
change through time??? evolution, and organisms better adapted to their environment survive.
define cell the smallest unit that can perform all of life's processes
name the six kingdoms of life animalia, plantae, fungi, protista, archaea, and bacteria
eleni, what is a hypothesis? and a prediction? a hypothesis is a proposed scientific explanation for a set of observations. a prediction states what should happen if the hypothesis is supported. "if _______, then _______."
what's the difference between a control group and an experimental group? a control group is used for comparison, while the experimental group is being experimented on.
what's the difference between an independent and a dependent variable? independent is the factor that is changed, while the dependent variable is the factor that is being measured or observed. it changes depending on the independent variable.
theory v. law theory: has not been proven, but is supported. law: proven, also what we can expect.
how does science usually begin? with exploration and discovery, then testing ideas, then feedback, then outcomes. but usually it bounces back and forth between all of these.
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