

Psychology Fichas sobre Psychopathology, creado por Ben Moss el 22/06/2017.
Ben  Moss
Fichas por Ben Moss, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ben  Moss
Creado por Ben Moss hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are the four definitions of abnormality? -Statistical infrequency -Deviation from social norms -Failure to function adequately -Deviation from ideal mental health
What is statistical infrequency? Statistical infrequency involves occurs when an individual has a less common characteristic than the rest of the population and the number of times we observe 'abnormal' behaviour. Statistical infrequency is very definitive and relatively usual behaviour is normal and anything else is abnormal.
Explain Deviation from social norms. Deviation from social norms is to do with behaviour that is different from set out, accepted standards of a community or society. When someone behaves in a way we that is different to how people expect them to behave it is considered abnormal.
Explain the two-process model. The two process model focuses on the behaviours of phobias e.g. avoidance, endurance and panic. Hobart Mowrer proposed the two process model based on the behavioural approach to phobias. This states phobias are acquired (learned in the first place by classical conditioning and continue to be maintained because of operant conditioning.
What is classical conditioning? Classical Conditioning is learning by association - two stimuli repeatedly paired together 9 an unconditioned stimulus and a new neutral stimulus).
What is Operant conditioning? Operant conditioning is a form of learning where the behaviour is shaped by the consequences of a behaviour e.g. reinforcement, negative reinforcement or punishment.
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