peace keeping and league of nations


Mapa Mental por adamiscool18, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por adamiscool18 hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

peace keeping and league of nations
  1. treaty of versailles
    1. aims of treaty
      1. fracnce
        1. france had lost most
          1. 2/3 of army killed or injured
            1. france lost more land than germany
            2. George Clemenceau wanted to cripple Germany
            3. britain
              1. wanted to get rid of naval colonies as they felt threatened
                1. David Loyd George didn't want to punish to hash
                  1. didn't want them to start war in future
                    1. wanted to trade with them
                      1. before war second largest trader
                  2. usa
                    1. Woodrow Willson
                      1. Idealist who aimed for peace
                        1. Didn't want Germany seeking revenge
                        2. He wanted to create democracy
                          1. 14 points
                            1. number 14 = LofN
                      2. results of treaty (BRAT)
                        1. Blame
                          1. Article 231
                            1. Germany had to take full responsibility
                          2. Reporation
                            1. Had to pay 6600 million
                            2. Army
                              1. Navy of 6 battle ships
                                1. only 100,000 men in army
                                  1. No airforce
                                  2. Territory
                                    1. reduced land by 14%
                                      1. colonies taken
                                        1. Rhineland demiliterised
                                          1. Alsace-Lorraine returned to France.
                                            1. Anschluss forbiden
                                          2. Effect of treaty
                                            1. Germany
                                              1. couldn't afford reparations
                                                1. Lost indusrtial areas
                                                  1. suffered economic crisis
                                                    1. Germans displaced
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