Presidential involvement in Vietnam 1945 - 1975


A Levels History - Cold War Mapa Mental sobre Presidential involvement in Vietnam 1945 - 1975, creado por dottydiva96 el 18/02/2014.
Mapa Mental por dottydiva96, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por dottydiva96 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Presidential involvement in Vietnam 1945 - 1975
  1. Involvement increases through presidents:
    1. Truman aids French in Franco-Vietnamese war
      1. Eisenhower sent military advisors and money into Vietnam
        1. Aided Diem regime
        2. JFK send more military advisors and money
          1. He also sends pilots and helicopters that 'cannot fight'
            1. 1961 - 1963
              1. Aided Diem regime
                1. Both JFK and Diem were assassinated in 1963
              2. Johnson sends in troops
                1. Waits until after elections to send in troops
                  1. 1965 - Operation Rolling Thunder
                    1. Supposed to be 8 weeks, ended after 3 years
                      1. Heavy bombing of Ho Chi Minh Trail
                      2. 1965 - 75, 000 US troops in V
                        1. Adds 100, 000 more
                          1. Allocates another 100, 000 for 1966
                            1. AVRN awful, Westmooreland pressures for 'Americanisation' of war
                              1. Opposition from George Ball
                              2. Gold of Tonkin incident
                                1. Uses attack of US Maddox and alleged attack of Joy Turner to justify escalation
                                  1. GOT resolution leads to only 2 votes against escalation in congress
                                    1. $700 million reserved for military escalation 1965
                                  2. Vietnamese troops
                                    1. Viet Cong were Communists in SV
                                      1. NVA - North Vietnamese Army (Communists)
                                        1. Used underground tunnel system, Viet Minh Trail and guerilla tactics
                                      2. AVRN - SV army
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