Theories on Power/state


Mindmap on theories of power for AQA A2 level Sociology - Power and Politics...I can't work out the tracking :p
Mapa Mental por 06mcdonnelleli, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por 06mcdonnelleli hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Theories on Power/state
  1. WEBER
    1. Three types of authority...
      1. Traditional - custom, monarchs, patriarchy
        1. Charismatic - inspired obedience, personality, message e.g. MLK
          1. Legal-Rational - legal framework limits power of office-holder, become dominant, principles
          2. CRITICISMS
            1. More subtle types of power e.g. propaganda, media
          3. MARXISM
            1. MARX - state='committee for managing affairs of bourgeosie'
              1. Power concentrated in hands of elite = class conflict
                1. Will be a 'withering of the state' = communism
                2. MILIBAND
                  1. state always operate to elite advantage
                    1. Even though it does have checks/balances
                      1. Gov's ensure no threat to cap. even Labour!
                      2. Senior politicians etc. have similar backgrounds.
                      3. ALTHUSSER
                        1. State narrowly conceived
                          1. Repressive state apparatus e.g. police.
                            1. Ideological SA - e.g. church
                              1. These legitimize inequalities
                            2. GRAMSCI
                              1. Ruling class has hegemony - values accepted
                                1. ISA makes this happen - 'bemused satisfaction' TV
                              2. CRITICISMS
                                1. Not all power based on economic wealth. Power not '0-sum'
                                  1. Withering of state etc. not happened
                                2. PLUARLIST
                                  1. Power distributed among groups
                                    1. = power available to all!
                                      1. Use negotiation to realise goals!
                                      2. DAHL
                                        1. 'making someone do something that isn't natural to them'
                                          1. Mechanisms in place to stop influential people getting own way
                                        2. State = neutral party, reps everyone's interests
                                          1. CRITICISMS
                                            1. Marx's - not accurate description
                                              1. ELITE PLURALISTS
                                                1. Accepts some disadvantaged groups are under-rep in key positions
                                            2. POWER ELITE
                                              1. Inevitable politics done by minority - gifts = leadership
                                                1. Elite is narrow = no real choice at elections
                                                  1. Inequality in group influence - elites not challenged
                                                  2. MOSCA
                                                    1. Modern elites have organisational skills that allow that to gain power
                                                      1. Not hereditary we can all do this
                                                        1. Elites replace each other 'circulation of elites'
                                                      2. PARETO
                                                        1. Foxes and Lions
                                                          1. MILLs - certain families dominate US politics
                                                      3. FUNCTION.
                                                        1. PARSONS
                                                          1. powers = 'positive capacity for achieving positive COMMUNAL ends'
                                                            1. Power = collective resource to promote general good.
                                                            2. The more power the better!
                                                            3. ARDENT
                                                              1. Violence kills power
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