

Bsc Hons (PaaSl) Applied Computing Mapa Mental sobre Cultures, creado por Steve Hiscock el 14/05/2013.
Steve Hiscock
Mapa Mental por Steve Hiscock, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Steve Hiscock
Creado por Steve Hiscock hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

    1. made up of different groups of people with different goals which might/often conflict
      1. Organisations as single monolithic entities where everybody has the same goals, aims and purpose
      2. Club - Zeus
        1. Fast thinkers
          1. Like results
            1. Reward with responsibilty
              1. Apprentices
                1. Do not analyse
                2. Role - Apollo
                  1. Analytical
                    1. Skills gather through training
                      1. Power through postions
                        1. Reward - nice job titles
                          1. Like stable environments
                          2. Task - Athena
                            1. Problem solvers
                              1. Like wisdom and experts
                                1. Self developement
                                  1. Boxing the problem - like challenges
                                  2. Person - Dionysus
                                    1. Learn by experience
                                      1. Work outside the organisational structure
                                        1. Freedom of speech
                                          1. Consultants - Not do-ers
                                          2. Attitudes
                                            1. Ethnocentrism
                                              1. I'm better than you!
                                              2. Monoculture
                                                1. One way of doing things
                                                2. Ethno relativism
                                                  1. We are all equal
                                                  2. Pluralism
                                                    1. Lots of subcultures
                                                  Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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