

3º de ESO Biology (Topic 4: Bioenergetics) Flashcards on Bioenergetics , created by sofia Larrain on 07/05/2018.
sofia Larrain
Flashcards by sofia Larrain, updated more than 1 year ago
sofia Larrain
Created by sofia Larrain over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Photosynthesis produces glucose using light What is chloroplast? What is endothermic ? -Found in green plant cells which contain pigments like chlorophyll that absorb light. -Energy is transferred to the chloroplasts from the environment by light. -endothermic-energy transferred from the environment in the process.
What is the word equation and the formula for photosynthesis? light -carbon dioxide + water ------> glucose + oxygen Light -6CO2 + 6H2O -----> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Plants use glucose in five main ways which are they? And explain: -For respiration- This transfers energy from glucose enables plant convert glucose in other useful substances.
Plants use glucose in five main ways which are they? And explain: -Making cellulose- glucose-cellulose making strong plant cell walls.
Plants use glucose in five main ways which are they? And explain: -Making amino acids- glucose+ nitrate ions (from the soil) make amino acid made into protein.
Plants use glucose in five main ways which are they? And explain: Stored as oils or fats- glucose turned to lipids for storing in seeds.
Plants use glucose in five main ways which are they? And explain: - Glucose turned to starch and stored in roots, steams and leaves. To use when photosynthesis isn't happening, in winter. Starch soluble, better for storing than glucose. cell has lots of glucose draw loads water and swell up.
Limiting factors affect the rate of photosynthesis by what factors is it affected? Explain each. -Affected by Light, CO2, temperature. Combined its called environmental conditions like: -Night light limiting factor -winter the temperature -Bright enough CO2 usually limiting. Chlorophyll can also be a limiting factor of photosynthesis: amount of chlorophyll affected by a disease, environmental stress such as lack of nutrients. Chloroplasts damaged not enough chlorophyll. Rate of photosynthesis is reduced cant absorb as much light.
Three important graphs for the rate of photosynthesis which are they? -Not enough light slows down the rate of photosynthesis. -Too little carbon dioxide also slows it down. -The temperature has to be just right.
Explain each of the graphs mentioned before. The light graph -provides energy for photosynthesis. -light level increases photosynthesis increases until certain point. -limiting factor temeperature and CO2 level.
Explain each of the graphs mentioned before. Carbon dioxide graph -CO2 raw materials. -CO2 increases also photosynthesis up to a point. No longer increases CO2 in no longer the limiting factor. -as long light and CO2 plentiful supply limiting factor photosynthesis must be temperature.
Explain each of the graphs mentioned before. Temperature graph -temperature limiting factor too low enzymes if low temperature photosynthesis work more slowly. -plant gets too hot enzymes need photosynthesis reactions will be damage. -happens at 45º.
The light graph (Foto) f
Carbon dioxide graph (Foto) f
Temperature graph (Foto) f
Oxygen production shows the rate of photosynthesis tell me all about it. -the faster the rate of oxygen production, the faster the rate of photosynthesis.
Foto f
You can artificially create the ideal conditions for farming what do you have to do? -create ideal environment in a greenhouse. -helps to trap the suns heat temperature doesn’t become limiting. -artificial light, paraffin heater, fertiliser, right amount of everything.
Respiration is not breathing in and out what is it? -it’s a process of transferring energy from the breakdown of glucose goes in every cell in your body continuously. All living things respire. Energy from food. -respiration is exothermic transfers energy to the environment.
Respiration transfers energy for all kinds of things give three examples of how organisms use the energy transferred by respiration: -build larger molecules from smaller ones. -in animals it’s used to allow the muscles to contract so they can move. -mammals and birds the energy is used to keep their body temperature steady in colder surroundings.
Metabolism is all the chemical reactions in an organism -in a cell lots of chemical reactions all time. Controlled by enzymes. Enzymes -reactant—> product—>product—>product.
Metabolism is all the chemical reactions in an organism give examples. -larger molecules are made from smaller ones. -small glucose molecules joined together reactions form starch glycogen and cellulose. -lipid from one molecule of glycerol and three fatty acids. -Glucose combined nitrate ions make amino acid which are then made into proteins.
Metabolism is all the chemical reactions in an organism -larger molecules broken down to smaller molecules. -glucose broken down in respiration. Transfer energy to power all reactions body make molecules. -excess protein broken down in reaction produce urea. Sum total of all reactions cell or the body called it’s metabolism.
Aerobic respiration needs plenty of oxygen were does it happen and word and symbol equation. Happen inside the mitochondria. Glucose + oxygen—>carbon dioxide + water. C6H12O6 + 6O2—>6CO2 + 6H2O
Anaerobic respiration what does it mean what is it: word equation in muscle cell: -means without oxygen -glucose-----> lactic acid. Incomplete breakdown -isnt fully oxidised -only useful in emergencies.
Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast is slightly different what is the word equation and what is it. -plants and yeast cells respire without oxygen but they produce ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide instead of lactic acid. -glucose ---> ethanol + carbon dioxide
When you exercise you respire more why does this happen. -muscles need energy to contract. Breath volume increases this removes CO2 faster. -long periods exercise muscle fatigue. If tired stop contracting efficiently.
Anaerobic respiration leads to an oxygen debt. What is that -amount of oxygen body needs to react build up lactic acid remove from cells. Pulse breathing rate high levels of lactic acid and CO2. -blood that enters your muscles transports lactic acid in liver. Converted back to glucose.
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