Concepts of commercial English


Review about the concepts
Henny Calderon Chay
Flashcards by Henny Calderon Chay, updated more than 1 year ago
Henny Calderon Chay
Created by Henny Calderon Chay over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
This letter is for subscription to magazine, book or newspaper. Subcription Letter
This letter you can use for order merchandise. Purchase Letter
This letter is the reply to an order letter. (send merchandise) Acknowledgement Letter
Is a business document that banks and stores send to their Customers usually at the beginning of each month to show them their transaction during the whole month, such as: purchases on credit basis, payments, as well as the balance after each transaction. Stament of Account
It is a document where the signer agrees to pay specific Amount of money at the definite time specifies on the document. Promisory Notes
Are documents that bear instructions to pay a specific Amount of money to a person or a company. It is issued in one location and the money is delivered to the recipient in another location. Money Orders
This documents is make for different purposes that the Office expenses. It has to be signed by the person responsible of the petty cash and presented to the General Accounting Office. Petty Cash
Is a document when a person has received money in payment. Receipt
Is a business document that serves as a guaranty of the Order receive. It includes a detailed list of the merchandise Specifying their price and terms of sale. Invoice
s a document drawn of the signer´s account. It is a payable On demand by the bank where the signer has the account. It can be personal, certified and cashier. Check
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