

Flashcards on Where?, created by Fernanda González on 16/03/2020.
Fernanda González
Flashcards by Fernanda González, updated more than 1 year ago
Fernanda González
Created by Fernanda González about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess. FAIRY TALE
Have I told you about the time when I fell into the river? ANECDOTE
Long ago, there lived a brave warrior and his band of soldiers. LEGEND
'Let's return to the scene of the crime and see if we can't find any more clues', the inspector said. WHODUNNIT
At 92, Muriel felt she had achieved all she could in life. SHORT STORY
And the moral is: pride goes before a fall. FABLE
Reports are coming in of a forest fire which is spreading rapidly in northern countries. NEWS
Athena, daughter of Zeus, was the goddess of wisdom and warfare. MYTH
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