
Aprende los Phrasal verbs mas comunes de TO GET
Nati Lu
Flashcards by Nati Lu, updated more than 1 year ago
Nati Lu
Created by Nati Lu almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
GET UP LEVANTARSE What time do you GET UP? (A que hora te levantas?)
GET DOWN AGACHARSE Please GET DOWN I can not see anything!
GET AWAY IRSE I need to GET AWAY to relax (Necesito irme para relajarme)
GET OVER SUPERAR I need to GET OVER it, cause it hurt me! (Necesito superarlo, porque me lastima)
GET OFF SALIR, BAJARSE I GET OFF in this station please! (Me bajo en esta estación, Gracias!)
GET ON SUBIR Came on! GET ON! I will you take home! (Vamos! Sube! te llevaré a casa!)
GET IN ENTRAR Can I GET IN? (Puedo entrar?)
GET THROUGH TERMINAR, PASAR POR When you GET TROUGH your homework you can go out. (Cuando termines tu tarea puedes salir)
GET BETWEEN ENTROMETERSE Don't let her GET BETWEEN your relationship. (No la dejes entrometerse en tu relación)
GET ALONG WITH LLEVARSE BIEN I GET ALONG WITH my room mate. (ME llevo bien con mi compañero de piso)
GET ON BOARD SER PARTE DE... I GET ON BOARD in the group. (Soy parte del grupo)
GET AROUND MOVERSE... How do you GET AROUND in the city?
GET ME CONMOVER That kid really get me (ese niño realmente me conmueve)
GET GOING DEBER IRSE It's dark we better get going! (esta oscuro, mejor que nos vallamos)
GET TO KNOW CONOCERSE MAS I really want to GET TO KNOW you (realmente quiero conocerte mas)
GET RID DESHACERSE I need to GET RID of this old machine (Necesito deshacerme de esta vieja maquina)
GET BY SURVIVE You will GET BY with your english level. (Sobrevivirás con tu nivel de inglés)
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