Memory Game - Víctor Minas 5PC


Messy Memory Game, with Phrasal Verbs, Quinto Perito Contador, clave 16.
Idris Horus
Flashcards by Idris Horus, updated more than 1 year ago
Idris Horus
Created by Idris Horus about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Calm down Relax Relajarse Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Cheer up Make happier Hacer más feliz Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Call off Cancel Cancelar Memory Game English Class
Fall down Fall to the ground Caer al suelo Memory Game English Class
Find out Discover Descubrir Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Growp up Become an adult Convertirse en un adulto Memory Game English Class
Hang on Wait for a short time Esperar un corto tiempo Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Log in Sign in (to a website) Iniciar sesión (en un sitio web) Memory Game English Class
Pass away Die Morir Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Think over Think about something for a time, consider Pensar en algo por un tiempo, considerable Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Block off Obstruct Obtruir Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Drink up Finish one's drink Terminar de beber Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Fix up Repair or refurbish Reparar o restaurar Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Look at Examine Examinar Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Pick up To answer a telephone call Para contestar una llamada telefónica Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
Memory Game English Class
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