Enlightened despots


Enlightened despots
Flashcards by ALEXIS ORTIZ CARDEÑA, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ALEXIS ORTIZ CARDEÑA about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Frederick the great Frederick II of Prussia caused a sensation in the 18th century with his talent as a general, which Napoleon himself admired, and with his enthusiastic adoption of the most advanced ideas of the Enlightenment.
Peter the great He used to admire foreign people and it helped him to make Russia a powerful country
Catherine the great The queen was concerned with attracting architects, philosophers, scientists, and artists to her court. In addition, he acquired the entire Diderot library and corresponded regularly with D'Alembert and Voltaire. It also endowed the country with a sanitary system and was a pioneer in promoting immunization against smallpox.
Maria Theresa She was the last truly Habsburg monarch, since her descendants would already belong to the Habsburg-Lorraine House, she was the incarnation of enlightened despotism. He modernized the army, submitted local powers to the central government, and promoted the arts and sciences.
Joseph II He is considered one of the representatives of enlightened despotism, he ruled supported and influenced by his Chancellor of State Kaunitz. He showed interest in encyclopedic ideas. He tried to modernize, promote and rationalize the functioning of the administration with a reform program with the aim of building a centralized unitary state with German as its administrative language.
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