Unit 1: The Early Middle Ages. Germanic kingdoms and Byzantine Empire


Flashcards on Unit 1: The Early Middle Ages. Germanic kingdoms and Byzantine Empire , created by Juan Fernandez Castillo on 14/01/2021.
Juan Fernandez Castillo
Flashcards by Juan Fernandez Castillo, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Fernandez Castillo
Created by Juan Fernandez Castillo over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who made the last division of the Roman Empire? In what year? Emperor Theodosius the Great, in 395 AD
What is the most accepted chronology of the Middle Ages? 476 - 1453 or 476 - 1492
In this map of the Byzantine Empire, what do the areas in orange represent? Justinian conquests during his reign
Who is this lady? Theodora, empress of the Byzantine Empire and Justinian's wife
What does this image represent? The East-West Schism in 1054
This man is tearing an image of Christ from the wall of a church. What does this image represent? The iconoclastic controversy between the 8th and 9th centuries
What is the name of this type of religious images in the Byzantine Empire? Icon
This is one of the most remarkable examples of Byzantine architecture. What is this basilica called? Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom)
What is the name of the Germanic people who settled in Italy at the end of the 5th century? Ostrogoth
What peoples do these arrows represent? Angles, Saxons and Juts
What Germanic tribe settled in the 6th century in northern Italy? The Lombards
Explain, looking at this map, why trading was no longer a safe activity in the 6th century Because the ancient Roman Empire had fragmented into many kingdoms, some of them enemies, and the Mediterranean was full of pirates.
The Visigoths came to the Iberian Peninsula in 415 as allies of the Roman Empire, what was their objective? To expel the invading Suevi, Vandals and Alanos from the Iberian Peninsula
What was the religious conflict between the Visigoths and the native Hispano-Roman population of the Iberian Peninsula and how was it resolved? The Visigoths were Arians and the Spanish-Roman Catholics. The problem was solved when King Reccared converted to Catholicism in 589.
What was the Visigoth monarchy like, hereditary or elective? Elective, That's why there were so many wars between the pretenders.
Who invaded the Visigothic kingdom in 711? The Moors, crossing the strait of Gibraltar
Who did this votive crown belong to? King Recceswinth (died in 672)
Which king of the Franks achieved the maximum expansion of the kingdom and was crowned emperor by the pope? Charlemagne. Crowned in 800.
What is the name of this building and where is it? Palatine Chapel in Aachen, Germany. Charlemagne was buried here.
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