Work and economy (Nacho)


Sexto Social Science Flashcards on Work and economy (Nacho), created by Ignacio Gómez del Agua on 14/12/2021.
Ignacio Gómez del Agua
Flashcards by Ignacio Gómez del Agua, updated more than 1 year ago
Ignacio Gómez del Agua
Created by Ignacio Gómez del Agua almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many sectors are? 3
Primary sector Raw materials (materias primas)
What are the industries included in the primary sector? Farming, forestry and fishing (agricultura, pesca y ganadería)
What is the percentage of the spanish active population that work in the primary sector? 5%
What is this map? Primary sector
Secondary sector Manufacturing and industry. Transforming raw materials into "products"
What is the percentage of the spanish population that work in the secondary sector? 20%
What are the two principal industries of the secondary sector? Heavy and light industries
Heavy industry Produce goods for other industries
Light industry Produce consumer goods
What are the 3 principal manufactering sectors of the secondary sector? Industrial manufactering, energy and mining
Secondary sector
Mining Underground and opencast mines
Energy Non-renewable and renewable
Spain is the largest producer of olive oil 44% of the world production is made in Spain
Tertiary sector Service sector
What is the percentage of the spanish population that work in the tertiary sector? 75% spanish population
What are the different services that are included in the tertiary sector? Trade (selling and buying) Transport Tourism Culture Public services
Trade Domestic trading Foreign trading (selling = exporting // buying = importing)
Tourism Food Accomodation (hotels....) Souvenirs Visiting monuments, museums Transport
Types of toursim Beach Cultural Winter Rural
Sectors in Europe
Europe trading We export: chemicals, eatable oil, metal and technology We import: crude oil (cars) and raw materials for producing iron and steel
Why we are the biggest trading continent? Railway network Cargo ports
Barter Trueque (exchanging one product or service by another)
In 600 BC, Croesus invented the first gold coin After that, the Chinese started creating paper money
Expenses (gastos) Fixed (bills) Variables (p.e; clothes) Unexpected
Savings (ahorros) Money that we keep for the future
Types of money Cash (efectivo) Credit card (tarjetas)
COmpanies Set up by people that offer a service or produce goods
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