vocabulario N 2


Flashcards on vocabulario N 2 , created by Paula Mendieta on 21/06/2016.
Paula Mendieta
Flashcards by Paula Mendieta, updated more than 1 year ago
Paula Mendieta
Created by Paula Mendieta about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Understand: Perceive and have a clear idea of what is said, done or happens or discover the deeper meaning of something.
Forgive: to stop blaming or being angry with someone for something that person has done, or not punish them for something
Empathise: to be able to understand how someone else feels: It's very easy to empathize with the characters in her books.
Honesty: It is acting directly, doing their duty and in accordance with the moral, especially in regard to respect for property, transparency in business, etc.
Truth: The term truth formally used to mean the coincidence between a statement and the facts, or reality to which that statement refers or fidelity to an idea.
ANGER: Feeling that a person experiences when feeling upset or hurt by another or for one thing, and before disrespect, disobedience or error. anger.
SIGNS : It is a term that describes an item, material phenomenon or action by convention or nature, it serves to represent or replace another. A sign is also what gives indications or signs of a certain thing
Situations: defines situation as the actions and consequences of placing or placed (place a person or a thing in a certain place). The term is also used to name the way that has something in a given space.
Provocation: Attitude, action or set of words that someone provokes anger or desire.
Breathe: Breathing is a vital process which is at the entrance of oxygen to the body of a living being and the output of carbon dioxide itself, as well as the metabolic process of cellular respiration, which is essential for the life of aerobic organisms.
Control: It is a preventive and corrective mechanism adopted by the administration of an agency or entity that allows timely detection and correction of deviations, inefficiencies and inconsistencies in the course of the formulation, implementation, execution and evaluation of the actions, in order to ensure the compliance with regulations governing them, and the strategies, policies, objectives, goals and resource allocation.
Away : A great distance or time rather distant or remote
Visualise : Make visible by any method or device which normally can not be seen with the naked eye.
Flexibility 1. Ability to bend easily without a body there is danger of breaking. antonyms stiffness 2.Ability to adapt easily to various circumstances or to accommodate the rules to different situations or needs.
MANAGE : In this regard, I must say that management is to carry out errands that make possible the realization of a commercial operation or a desire either. Manage, on the other hand, embraces the ideas of governing, have direct, order or arrange a specific thing or situation
Blend: Combine two or more different materials so that the particles remain among the other forming a certain homogeneity.
Confront: Put a person or thing, tangible or intangible, against another to compare or oppose them to each other.
Reaction: It is known as reaction to the result or outcome of a particular action. According to the theory, this word is conceived as a resistance to something contrary or opposite force. It is also about the way in which an object or individual behaves to a particular stimulus
Attention: Attention is the cognitive process of behavioral and selective focus on a discrete aspect of the information, whether considered subjective or objective, while other noticeable aspects are ignored. Attention has also been referred to as the allocation of processing resources limited.
Surprise: emotional disturbance caused by something unforeseen or unexpected
STRENGTH: Physical ability to perform a job or a move.
CONVITION: Those with a conviction have reasons or beliefs that allow them to hold a particular thought, speech or action.
Respect: Consideration accompanied by certain submission, with which a person or thing for some quality, situation or circumstance that determines and leads to abide by what he says or sets or not cause offense or harm is.
Solutions: effective response to a problem, doubt or question.
Communication: conscious activity is to exchange information between two or more participants in order to transmit or receive meaning through a shared system of signs and semantic rules. The basic steps of communication are forming an intention to communicate, the composition of the message, the message encoding, transmitting the signal, the signal reception, decoding the message and finally the interpretation of the message by a receiver
QUESTIONS: One question is an interpellation is done with the intent to obtain some information. In pronouncing this question, it is expected to receive a response that includes the desired data.
Responsibility: Responsibility is a value that is in the consciousness of the person who studies ethics because it is responsible but in turn is not science that studies the moral which is the science that studies the responsibility that allows you to reflect, manage, guide, analyze and assess the consequences of their actions. Implemented, the magnitude of such actions and how to address them in the most positive and comprehensive manner to help in the future is established.
Advice: Apparently opinion or someone gives or receives about their future conduct.
Teacher: is who is professionally dedicated to teaching, either generally well specialized in a particular area of knowledge, subject, academic discipline, science or art. In addition to the transmission of values, techniques and general or specific knowledge of the subject taught, part of the educational role of the teacher is to facilitate learning for the student (student or learner) reaches it in the best way possible.
Family: Family (Latin family) is a group of people consisting of individuals who come together primarily by relations of filiation or partner.1 The Dictionary of the Spanish Language defines, among other things, as a group of people related to each yes living juntas2, which implies the concepts of kinship and cohabitation, although there are other ways, such as adoption. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is the natural, universal and fundamental group unit of society, is entitled to protection by society and the Status.
Friends: A brother is a person over another have the same parents, or only the same father or the same mother. This term is generally used to refer to two or more persons related genetically, but not necessarily this has to be the case, since there may be one or more siblings who have been adopted by their parents.
Laughter: Laughter is a biological response produced by the body in response to certain stimuli. The smile is considered a smooth and quiet way laughing.
Smile: When a person smiles, a smile on his face is drawn. This term, therefore, is used to name the result of smiling, a verb that refers to a silent and subtle laughter.
Calm: Tranquility, the absence of agitation and nerves in the way of acting
Personality: Set of traits and qualities that shape the way of being of a person and distinguish it from the others.
Young: Which it is in the period of life between childhood and middle age.
Play ground: The recreation yard or playground is a delimited place, which can be open or covered, associated with an educational institution (primary or secondary), where students can relax and distracted during daily breaks.
Insecurity: Emotional insecurity is a feeling of discomfort, nervousness or recklessness associated with a multitude of contexts, which can be triggered by the perception that one is vulnerable, or a sense of vulnerability and instability that threatens the self-image or self.
Weak: Which has little strength or poor mental or moral strength to withstand or cope with difficult situations or misfortunes.
Unhappy: It applies to the person who feels unhappy and is sad because of severe pain or distress
Stuck: Obstructing or plug a conduit with something
Hurtful: causing , hurt ot injury;injurious ; hormful
Jealous: Feeling that a person experiences when suspected loved one feel love or affection for another, or when they feel someone else prefers instead a third of it
Violent: Use of force to an end, especially to dominate someone or impose something.
Forgive: Forgetting [a person] the offense he committed another person against her or against each other and not hold a grudge or punishing him for it, or not to consider a debt or other obligation is to her.
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