Frases de YO


Frases básicas de acciones
Rodrigo Rodríguez González
Flashcards by Rodrigo Rodríguez González, updated more than 1 year ago
Rodrigo Rodríguez González
Created by Rodrigo Rodríguez González almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
yo quiero una bebida I want a drink
yo voy a viajar I will travel
yo tomare un avion I 'll take a plane
yo comeré un sandwich I'll eat a sandwich
Yo fui a bailar I went to dance
yo canto muy bien I sing very well
yo tengo mil cien dolar I have a hundred thousand dollar
yo vivo en un departamento I live in an apartment
yo voy a tener una casa I'll have a house
yo juego mucho fulbol I much fulbol game
yo llame al muchas veces I call many times
yo mire los pajaros cantar I watch the birds sing
Yo pagare mil docientos cuarenta ocho dolares I 'll pay two hundred thousand dollars forty-eight
Yo haré cosas divertidas I do fun things
Yo compro revistas y regalos a mi familia I buy magazines and gifts to my family
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