

Unit 2
Stacey Hollins
Flashcards by Stacey Hollins, updated more than 1 year ago
Stacey Hollins
Created by Stacey Hollins about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
-Mitosis is the division of the Nucleus
How many and what types of cells are produced by mitosis? 2 Diploid body cells
Are diploid cells identical? yes
A ______ _______cell nucleus contains _____ chromosomes. human skin 46
After mitosis,___ skin cells would be produced, each with __ chromosomes inside its nucleus 2 46
A diploid (2n) cell has _____copies of each type of chromosome. both
Meaning-Diploid cells contain _____ _____of the genetic material from the _______cell ALL (100%) parent
Chromosomes contain _______. DNA
Almost all cells have ________________, except ___________(sex cells: egg and sperm). 46 chromosomes gametes (sex cells: egg and sperm)
If a cell has 46 chromosomes it is considered to be ____________. diploid (2n)
If diploid (2n) has half the number of chromosomes it is ____________, these are found in the _____________. haploid (n) gametes
A human has ______diploid (2n) cells and ______haploid (n) cells. 46 23
Females carry an ____ on their chromosomes, Males carry an _____ on their chromosomes. XX XY
Meiosis is only for ___________ cells or gametes reproductive (sex)
Nuclear division in which chromosome number is cut in half (haploid=n)
THE PHASES OF MEIOSIS Meiosis I Interphase I Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I and Cytokinesis
Meiosis I Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I and telophase I (Interphase) PII, MII, AII, TII (no interphase)
Interphase I -chromosomes replicate/duplicate (contains 46 chromosomes)
Prophase I -During synapses homologous chromosomes (same/identical) pair up. -Called a tetrad (4 chromosomes) -Crossing over occurs→gives genetic variation chromosomes line up side by side -Exchange DNA -Form new genes
Metaphase I Tetrads line up in the middle of the cell (equator)
Anaphase I -Chromosomes pulled to opposite sides of the cell -Notice that they are complete (in mitosis they are singles).
Telophase I and Cytokinesis Each cell has a haploid set of chromosomes 2 haploid daughter cells form Cell will then go through the second Meiotic Stage (like mitosis divison now).
The second round of cell division _________ is identical to the phases of Mitosis except that they are happening in ___cells instead of 1 Meiosis II 1
At the end of Meiosis II, __haploid cells are formed from the 1 original parent cell. These haploid cells will become ________(a.k.a. sex cells) ______________ 4 gametes eggs or sperm
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