Physics Energy Equations


Flashcards on Physics Energy Equations, created by Josh Is Here on 19/09/2017.
Josh Is Here
Flashcards by Josh Is Here, updated more than 1 year ago
Josh Is Here
Created by Josh Is Here over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) = (Useful energy out/ total energy in)*100
Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) GPE= Mass* gravity* height
Kinetic Energy (KE) Kinetic Energy = 0.5*mass*velocity^2
Work Done Work done = Energy transferred
Power Power= Energy/ Time
Energy Energy= specific heat capacity * mass * change in temp
Speed Speed=distance/time
Acceleration Acceleration=change in velocity/time
Force Force=mass*acceleration
Weight Weight=mass*gravity
Momentum Momentum=mass*velocity
Change in momentum Change in momentum=force*time
Density Density=mass/volume
Pressure Pressure=force/area
Moment moment=force*perpendicular distance from pivot
Velocity (waves) velocity=frequency*wavelength
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