Sociology- key terms


Flashcards on Sociology- key terms, created by Quinlan Gillespie on 28/09/2017.
Quinlan  Gillespie
Flashcards by Quinlan Gillespie, updated more than 1 year ago
Quinlan  Gillespie
Created by Quinlan Gillespie over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Representative A sample which represents the whole of society
Generalisable Able to represent society in general
Reliable Consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.
Valid Another word for accurate
Sample A small part of the population that represents the whole of the target population
Cross-sectional The results of the survey are applicable to the whole population
Snowball sample A person finding a person from an obscure group gaining their trust and finding overs of the group.
Stratified sample A Sample which is random and representative to target population
Systematic sample Going through the sampling frame and choosing every nth number
Random sample Picked out of a hat even chance of getting picked
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