BioPsych Learning & Memory


UCCS Final Exam BioPsych on the Learning and Memory section of "The Mind's Machine" 2nd edition by Watson and Breedlove
Dom Rough
Flashcards by Dom Rough, updated more than 1 year ago
Dom Rough
Created by Dom Rough almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Declarative Memory "explicit" memory: Things you know that you can tell others (hippocampus dependent)
Creation of Long term declarative memories depends on: Hippocampus
What is the neural process that causes changes in the synaptic strength Long-term potentiation
Long term potentiation A stable and enduring increase in the effectiveness of synapses following repeated strong simulation. (stable and long lasting enhancement of synaptic transmission)
What is it when a dendritic spine loses its connection to an inactive axon and switches to an active one? Synaptic shift
Removing both hippocampi in patient H.M. resulted in: Anterograde Amnesia
Place cells Hippocampal neurons that fire when an organism is in a specific location
Morris Water Maze tests spatial memory
what contains a magnesium ion (Mg^2+) and is critical for learning NMDA receptor
Test for episodic memory Rey Complex Figure Test
What does the Pyramid and Palm Tree Test evaluate? Semantic Memory
What test is used to measure declarative memory in animals? Delayed non-matching-to-sample test
Consequences of long-term potentiation >increased number of AMPA receptors >Altered gene expression via second messengers >strengthening the synapse
Consequence of housing mice in an enriched environment increased dendritic branching
Primacy effect depends on what memory system long-term memory
"neurons that fire together, wire together" explains what phenomenon Hebbian learning
Devaulation paradigm is used to asses what form of learning Habit learning
When an event violates predictions made by the brain, which of the following neurotransmitters is released? dopamine
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