English Language Techniques


Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level(A- Level) English Flashcards on English Language Techniques, created by ellanabishop on 03/06/2013.
Flashcards by ellanabishop, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ellanabishop almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
abstract noun to do with our senses (our feelings)
phonetic intensity puts emphasis on something
short sentences short snappy sentences
positive metaphor saying you are something positive eg she was a flower
rhythmic something has rhythm
monotonous something has the same tone throughout
animalistic behaviour giving a human animal live properties
foreshadowing something suggests an event similar is going to happen in the future
lexis the order in which words are in the vocabulary
syntax the arrangement of words
Onomatopoeia sounds like what it is eg pop, bang
Assonance repetition of a vowel sound eg slow road to no ware
generalisation doesn't allow for individual indifference
Descriptive describing
Paradox contradiction seemingly false at first but is later found out to be true
Instructive informing, enlightening, instructing
euphemism acceptable mild expression for something not very nice eg instead of dead, moved on to a better place
Oxymoron two words placed next to each other to show contrast eg parting is such a sweet sorrow
personification giving human like qualities to something lifeless eg the door squeaked
repetition repeating a word phrase or idea
formal language conventional
denouement resolution of plot
emotive creates emotion
hyperbole deliberate exaggeration for affect
Metaphor something is said to be something else eg you're a bear
contrast shows difference when comparing
symbolism image used to present an idea
simile something is similar to something else using the words like and as
rhetorical question a question that does not require a response
tone how something sounds
alliteration the repetition of a sound eg blue bold big bus
colloquial relating to conversation the way you speak in a certain situation eg slang
accent the way you speak due to the area you come from
pathetic fallacy Reflecting a character's mood in the atmosphere or inanimate objects, describing the weather
Juxtaposition The use of two themes, characters, phrases, words, or situations for comparison or contrast
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