Chemistry 30 Flash Cards {2}


Natasha Gidluck
Flashcards by Natasha Gidluck, updated more than 1 year ago
Natasha Gidluck
Created by Natasha Gidluck over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Thermochemistry The study of energy changes in chemical reactions.
Thermal Energy The total kinetic energy of a substance. Always goes from high to low.
Heat The transfer of thermal energy.
Kinetic Energy The energy of motion including vibrational, rotational, and translational energy. V: small vibrations in the bonds of atoms. R: motion around the centre of mass. T: movement from place to place.
Potential Energy Stored energy. Chemical energy is a form of potential energy.
Enthalpy The total energy within a system, including kinetic and potential energy. Enthalpy cannot be known, but it can be measured.
Thermodynamics 1st Law: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be translated or transformed. 2nd Law: Energy is always lost in the form of heat; no chemical reaction is 100% efficient.
System Chemical entities interacting and reacting with each other.
Surroundings What the chemical reaction is reacting in and around. Anything that is not the system. Aqueous solutions have water that are considered the surroundings.
Energy Changes Heating/Cooling Phase Change Chemical Reaction Nuclear Reaction
Enthalpy Changes Includes Molar Enthalpy, Enthalpy Changes, Enthalpy in a Balanced Equation, or a Potential Energy Diagram.
Specific Heat Capacity The energy required to increace the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius.
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