year 8 chemistry terms (part A)


basic vocab of chemistry
dionne Sebastian
Flashcards by dionne Sebastian, updated more than 1 year ago
dionne Sebastian
Created by dionne Sebastian over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
data Information collected in an experiment
error Is the discrepancy between a computed observed or measured value or condition and the true value or condition
primary data Data collected by yourself
mistake is an error that someone can be blamed for
secondary data Data collected by someone else form some other source.
hypothesis An educated guess on what will happen
variable An element, feature or factor liable to change
controlled A variable that is controlled and stays the same
independent variable A variable that is changed during an experiment
dependent variable A variable that is measured during an experiment
fair test is when the test is conducted in such a way that the data collected from that test is as accurate as it can be.
atom The smallest component of an element
molecule A group of atoms bonded together representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound.
element An element is a substance with only one kind of atom
compound 2 elects that are bonded together through a chemical reaction
metal A hard solid material that is an electrical and thermal conductor
non-metal An element that is not a metal and does not resemble any characteristics of a metal
malleable A metal that can be hammered into sheets
brittle A metal that is hard and rigged but is not strong, breaking easily into fractures like glass
periodic table of elements A table of chemical and natural elements arranged in columns of similar chemical structures and characteristics and the row of increasing atomic number
monoatomic Consisting of one atom
alloy The combination of a metal with one or more metals or other substances
mixture 2 or more substances that are combined together but do not go through a chemical reaction
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