Resistant Materials - Material properties


GCSE DT Flashcards on Resistant Materials - Material properties, created by Mr Steptoe on 03/16/2018.
Mr Steptoe
Flashcards by Mr Steptoe, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by fampulli over 10 years ago
T Andrews
Copied by T Andrews about 8 years ago
Mr Steptoe
Copied by Mr Steptoe almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are physical properties? Properties of materials including fusibility, conductivity and environmental friendliness
What are mechanical properties? Properties of materials including strength, hardness, density, durability, toughness/brittleness, malleability, ductility and elasticity. These properties are linked to how they react to the application of a force- e.g. by deforming in a temporary or a permanent way
What is strength? The strength of a material is its ability to withstand an applied force without breaking or permanently bending. There are different types of strength depending on the type of force being applied.
What are the 5 types of strength? Bending, torsion, shear, tensile, compressive,
Bending? (What sort of strength is this?) P.S This one's pretty obvious, but even so, learn the exact definition The ability to withstand (or cope with) forces that are attempting to bend
Define this type of strength: Torsion The ability to withstand twisting forces
Define this type of strength: Shear The resistance to forces sliding in opposite directions
Define this type of strength: Tensile (tension) The resistance to forces pulling in opposite directions
Define this type of strength: Compression (compressive) The resistance to forces that are trying to crush or shorten
What is malleability? Is it a mechanical or physical property? The ability of materials to be permanently deformed in all directions by the action of hammering, rolling or pressing. It's a mechanical property (as it's linked to how a material reacts with the application of a force)
What is ductility? Mechanical or physical? The ability of a material to be cold deformed by being pulled or 'drawn' into smaller sections or wires without breaking (Ductility in action: a wire can be pulled through a graded hole in a 'draw plate') Mechanical
What is elasticity? Mechanical or physical? The ability to flex or bend when subjected to a force but regain normal shape when forces are removed Mechanical P.S. here's a virtual hug, for getting this far; \('3')/
What is toughness? Mechanical or physical? The ability of materials to withstand sudden shocks or blows without breaking Mechanical (Fun fact: obvs hammers need this property)
What is brittleness? Mechanical or physical? The opposite of toughness. Where materials have little or no resistance to the application of a sudden force and break very easily. (Fun fact: acrylic is p brittle, unless heated)
What is hardness? Mechanical or physical? The ability of a material to resist abrasive wear or scratching Mechanical (Cutting tools require this: files, saws and drills)
What is durability? Mechanical or physical? The ability to resist wear and tear e.g. over time, when some materials can start to weather suffer
What is corrosion resistance? The ability of a metal to withstand the deterioration and chemical breakdown that occurs during surface exposure to a particular environment Examples of this 'breakdown' include: Rusting UV light from the sun- which can cause brittleness in some plastics and can cause wood to deteriorate
What is density? Mechanical or physical? Basically, it's an object's weight and is defined as the mass per unit volume. It often has an effect on other properties, such as hardness.
What is fusibility? Mechanical or physical? The ability of materials to change into a liquid material at a certain material. This feature is important where materials need to be melted to carry out: Fabrication processes (joining together of pieces, whether or not they are the same material) e.g. welding and soldering Forming processes- such as casting and moulding
What is electrical conductivity? The ability to allow electricity to pass through a material Good electrical conductivity (conductors): most metals- esp gold, silver and copper Poor electrical conductivity (insulators): plastics, ceramics and wood Semi-conductors (certain conditions make this normally poor conductor allow a current to flow through it): silicon
What is thermal conductivity? The ability to allow heat to pass through a material Conductors (materials which have good thermal conductivity): metals Insulators: non-metallic materials These are used to prevent both heat loss and gain e.g. a polystyrene cup
What factors are involved in the property of environmental friendliness? Mechanical or physical? How easy a material is to reuse, recycle and biodegrade Materials with a high level of environmental friendliness score highly in the above areas and this have no negative impact on the environment Physical (it's inherent to the material)
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