Anatomy: Muscle Groups


Anatomy: Muscle groups
Christine Sang
Flashcards by Christine Sang, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Seahag about 10 years ago
Copied by Blanka about 10 years ago
Christine Sang
Copied by Christine Sang about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name the 3 muscles on the large intestine meridian
Image: A (image/jpg)
1.Fascia Lata 2.Hamstrings 3.Quadratus Lumborum
Name the only heart meridian muscle
Image: B (image/png)
1. Subscapularis
Name the 6 muscles on the triple warmer meridian
Image: C (image/jpg)
1.Sartorius (adrenals) 2.Teres Minor (thyroid) 3.Infraspinatus (thymus) 4.Gastrocnemius (adrenals) 5.Gracilis (adrenals) 6.Soleus (adrenals)
Name the 2 muscles on the gallbladder meridian 1.Anterior Deltoid 2.Popliteus
Name the 2 muscles on the liver meridian 1.Pectoralis Major Sternal (PMS) 2.Rhomboids
Name the 4 muscles on the lung meridian (1 has 2 tests) 1.Deltoid and posterior deltoid 2.Diaphragm 3.Anterior Serratus 4.Coracobrachialis
Name the 8 muscles on the stomach meridian 1.Pectoralis Major Clavicular(PCM), 2.Levator Scapulae, 3.Neck Muscles/Flexors(A&P), 4.Brachioradialis, 5.Pectoralis Minor 6.Pronator Teres 7.Subclavius 8.Supinator
Name the 4 muscles on the spleen/pancreas meridian (1 has 2 tests) 1.Latissimus Dorsii 2.Opponen Pollicis Longus 3.Trapezius - Upper & Middle(spleen) 4.Triceps
Name the 2 muscles on the small intestine meridian (1 has 4 tests) 1.Quadriceps 2.Abdominals (Rectus, transverse, oblique, straight leg raises)
Name the 3 kidney meridian muscles 1.Psoas 2.Upper Trapezius 3.Iliacus (ICV)
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