Sophie´s Flashcards


FLASHCARDS Flashcards on Sophie´s Flashcards, created by Sofia Dominguez on 20/05/2018.
Sofia Dominguez
Flashcards by Sofia Dominguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Sofia Dominguez
Created by Sofia Dominguez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
BRANCH It is a division or subdivision of the stem or axis of a tree. That branch is going to break.
CHAIN Something that binds or restrains. He is tied with a chain.
TINY Something that is too small. The ants are too tiny.
DEN A place to take refuge. That dens is safe.
RAINFOREST A tropical forest. We are going to go to the rainforest.
LAY To put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest set down. The dog laid its ears back.
SEVERAL Being more than two but fewer than many in number. There are several cases like that.
BOTTOM The lowest or deepest part of anything, as distinguished from the top. A bottom of a hill.
JOURNEY A traveling from one place to another. The journey was too large.
MACAW Large, long-tailed parrots, chiefly of the genus Ara, of tropical and subtropical America. It´s a beautiful macaw.
SOCKEYE SALMON An important food fish. Today we are going to eat sockeye salmon.
MARBLE An object made of or carved from this stone, especially a sculpture. I like this piece of marble.
CHEETAH A cat, of southwestern Asia and Africa. My favorite animal is the cheetah.
CHAIRPERSON A person who leads the board that manages a company, usually working closely. I am the new chairperson, so you have to respect me.
SOFTWARE Program used by a computer to perform tasks. I´m going to install the software.
INVESTOR Person who gives money to bussines in order to make a profit. He is the new investor.
ICONIC Image or object that is extremely well known or admired. The internet explorer is the most iconic.
LOGO Symbol or image that a company uses as it special sign. I know perfectly hte tacobell´s logo.
MARKET Promote and sell products. We must launch this product to the market
HOBBYIST Someone who is interested in a particular or leisure activity. I am an art of singing hobbyist.
BUSINESS VENTURE Company set up by an individual or group. My family have a business venture.
HARDWARE Parts of a computer such as the electronic components monitor, mouse, etc. The mouse below to the hardware part.
INNOVATION New way fo doing or making something. Cellphones are now an innovation.
PROGRAMMING Creating programs for use with computers. I´m programming the new company´s program.
VISSIONARY A person who has a clear vision of how to achieve something or make a business successful. He´s our new vissionary.
TRANSPLANT An operation to replace a damaged body part or an organ with a healthy one. She needs a heart transplant.
CALLIGRAPHY Art of decorative lettering. He makes the calligraphy very well.
CIRCUIT BOARD Rigid board that contains an electronic circuit. The circuit board is not working.
GURU A religious leader or teacher. He´s the town´s guru.
FLOPPY DISK Removable disk on which users can store or transfer computer data. The floppy disk isn´t working.
ASSASSINATE To murder a person who is well known or important.
CAMEL Animal which lives in the desert. My favorite animal is the camel.
MEMORIAL Something that is built or done to help people remember a person or event. She has to do the memorial.
MONUMENT A statute or building that is meant to remind people of a person or event. They decided to do a monument.
Architect A person that designs or draws plans for a building. My dad is an architect.
SWORDFISH a large marine game and food fish that has a sharp, elongated upper jaw resembling a sword. I saw a swordfish when i was at the bottom sea.
LEGEND A story handed down from earlier times that could seem believeable. The llorona is a legend.
LOCH In Scotland, a lake, or an arm of the sea. On vacations i went to a loch.
CARCASS The body of a dead animal. There are a carcass of a bird.
SIGHTING An experience of seeing something. I did a sighting yestarday.
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